Get Involved

STEMS seeks highly motivated and curious individuals to join our team—as an employee to learn skills in farming and business management, or as an advisor teaching local youth entrepreneurship.

Louvre Purple Flowers

Volunteer at STEMS

Volunteering at STEMS is an opportunity to connect with the environment and your community through workshops, social opportunities with locals in the regions our farms serve, and more. STEMS volunteers enjoy rewarding time spent with the team and the advantages of youth entrepreneurship through the strengthening of their resumes or college applications.
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Catherine McGonagle, STEMS Co-Founder & President, sitting at table with two vases of tulips and dahlias

Jobs at STEMS

STEMS employees are with each season’s crop from bulb to bouquet—learning the intricacies of flower farming and cultivation. Furthermore, the students learn from an advisory team of experienced professionals in the fields of marketing/public relations, finance, and more to act as integral parts of STEMS from a business perspective.
Explore Opportunities
Catherine McGonagle, STEMS Co-Founder & President, holding orange tulips

Become a STEMS Patron

Supporting our Patreon gives our loyal STEMS supporters access to special flower farming tips, discounts, and early promotional announcements. Patrons of STEMS allow us to do what we do best—grow beautiful flowers and provide the best possible career development opportunities to our young entrepreneurs.
Visit Our Patreon
We're So Thankful to Our Corporate Sponsors
Nickerson logo
RBLA Design logo
Northbridge Communities logo
We're Proud Members of These Organizations
American Dahlia Society logo
ASCFG logo
New England Botanic Garden
New England Dahlia Society logo
MetroWest Chamber of Commerce
Yankee Dahlia Society
STEMS Flower Co.